Michigan UIA
- The Unemployment Insurance Agency is the hub for all things related to unemployment insurance in the state of Michigan
- File a claim or pay unemployment taxes through the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency
- Customers can access online services via the Michigan Web Account Manager
Now, anyone looking to file a claim for unemployment insurance in the state of Michigan has an online landing hub in which to access all relevant info. Claimants can access their 1099-G online, as well as glean crucial data on all eligibility requirements for unemployment benefits. Besides online services, people can file a claim through MARVIN (Michigan Automated Response Voice Interactive Network), the state’s automated telephone filing system. Anyone with a touch-tone phone can use MARVIN.
What everyone should know when claiming unemployment benefits in Michigan
- Provide an accurate accounting of reason for unemployment
- All able-bodied claimants must report that they are available to work
- Report all gross wages earned per week while receiving unemployment benefits
- All claimants must actively search for work each week and provide details of this work search once per month
- Claimants must sign up with the Michigan Works! Association and report to a service center before accessing online service through the Michigan Web Account Manager (MiWAM)
- Committing fraud on a UI claim will incur serious penalties
The Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency isn’t merely for claimants; there is a host of resources for employers as well. From the homepage, employers can select from an extensive list of PDF documents offering news on Michigan’s Taxable Wage Base, employer seminars, taxes and tax credits, legislative information, work share programs and more. Employers can also manage their tax accounts right from the site.
Contacting the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency
- 1-866-500-0017
- Unemployment Insurance Agency, 3024 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit, MI 48202