Survey – Jack’s Bar And Grill Survey

Jack’s Bar and Grill Survey

  • Give Jack’s Bar and Grill your feedback
  • Help make Jack Daniels even better
  • Take the Jack’s bar and Grill survey online and receive a special offer!

When people think of real American institutions few names register quite like Jack Daniels Tennessee sour mash whiskey. The flavors of this premier distilled spirit have reached beyond the borders of the American South and appealed to folks all across the world. And it’s no wonder that this fabulous spirit is used to great effect in the culinary arts. Ribs, burgers, steaks—they’re all enhanced with that signature Jack Daniels flavor. And that’s just what Jack Daniels Bar and Grill aspired to when they first opened their doors. Like any business, they require the honest feedback of valued customers to grow their brand. So, Jack Daniels Bar and Grill invites patrons to head online and offer feedback regarding their latest customer experience.

How to participate in the Jack Daniels Bar and Grill Survey

  • Visit the promotional website (see below) and click “Continue”
  • Enter the coupon number as found on the bottom of your Jack Daniels Bad and Grill customer receipt
  • Answer the Jack Daniels survey questions when prompted
  • Complete the survey and receive your free offer

Those who finish the survey will receive a coupon code for a great offer. The Jack Daniels Bar and Grill survey does request personal information from participants, as well as IP and computer info, but this data is only used for market research purposes or the fulfillment of incentives. Jack Daniels Bar and Grill values customer privacy above all else, and as such will never sell personal data to third parties.

Contacting the Survey

  • SMG Privacy Office, 1737 McGee, Kansas City, MO, 64108

